Monday, April 7, 2014

Tuxedo the Cat - February 2014

Ms. Tuxedo likes to walk on my laptop and sit on it as I’m using it. It’s her way of exerting control over me. Cute. I usually close it when I see her coming. Or, let her go ahead and sit on it if she catches me by surprise. Better not to fight for control when I am working. She only stays for a few minutes.

Every night Tuxedo tries to decide when I am supposed to go to bed. Like right now, it’s one thirty in the morning. She’s in the other bedroom now, screaming for me to go to bed. Soon she’ll come in and gently nudge me with her head. If I persist in staying up, she’ll give up and go to her room.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I Don't Understand My Cat, Tuxedo

Since she turned three this October, Tuxedo’s personality has changed. For example, she never wanted me to hold her. Now periodically, she comes to me to hold her. Especially before she goes to bed at night.

I give her plenty of water. I bought one of those containers that works like a water cooler. She kept dismantling it. I soon realized she just wanted the tray, not the container that the water came from. So I just let her use the bottom tray. Come to find out she wanted to put in her favorite doll so she would know where it is all the time.

Now I’m in a position where I can't leave anything containing water around. I put a cup of water on my bedroom floor one day. I looked down to see her drinking out of my cup.

Last night I left the cup on the floor again, but I like didn't put any additional water in it. She looked in the cup and started crying. The cat actually wanted me to fill my own cup of water so she could drink out of it!

I love her to death. Subscribe to this Blog.