Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'm So Spoiled - Let Me Count the Ways

My human Mom indulges me a lot. Most of the time I am a very good cat. But sometimes, I will be disruptive around the house when I’m bored. Here are some of the things I get away with: I will walk across the computer keyboard while she is working on it. When she yells at me, I run off laughing

I’m spoiled. I want all attention focused on me. I yell out so who ever is on the telephone can hear me. My aunt hates it when every time she wants to talk to mom, I cry in the phone

I’ll bite mom’s hand if I want to eat and she’s asleep

I’ll cry and keep walking around a person visiting mom until he or she leaves my house

I bring my toys to her and make her play fetch with me until I get tired

I like to put my toys in my water dish. One day I put my boy doll in my water dish. When she took it out, I made her play fetch with me. Then I went into the kitchen and put my doll in my food dish. Mom was surprised when she saw it. She took it out and left it on the floor next to the dish.

The most favorite thing I like to do is jump on the dresser and stare at myself in the mirror. I think I am a beautiful cat!