Monday, October 10, 2011

Tuxedo Gets Spayed #39

I just called the hospital. Tuxedo’s operation was a success. I agreed with the doctor to keep her there overnight to supervise her coming out of anesthesia, and to monitor her eating and drinking pattern. I like that better than sending her home right after the operation.

It’s so quiet here at my house. I miss her so much. She’s not here to follow me from room to room. No one lightly meowing to make sure I am in the house. No Tuxedo trying to zoom out the front door when it’s opened and running upstairs to visit her buddy Angel.

I picked her up early the next day. I was glad to see her because I barely slept the night before. I can’t believe how Tuxedo affects my sleeping pattern. I was expecting her to jump on the bed with some toy, or interrupt my writing, or try to put me to bed.

She now has a microchip. The doctor told me she has severe gingivitis. They gave me some medicine drops to give her twice a day for the next 10 days. They gave her pain medication that will last for 3 days in her system.

When I picked her up in her carrier, she meowed for a while until I got her in the car. Then she squatted down and never made another peep until we got home. The minute I let her out she ran for her litter box. I didn’t see her for hours. When I awoke from taking a nap, she came out from under the bed.

She drank water from the other room. Soon after, I saw her sitting at the foot of my bed. She looked like she wanted to jump on, but was tentative about it. I gently picked her up and put her on the bed so she could lie down on her favorite spot.

I’m glad I had the spay operation. She is a house cat, so having a litter wasn’t the issue. Now I won’t have to see her struggle in heat every few weeks. The operation wasn’t cheap. Still, I have satisfaction that she is safe from breeding and trying to breed.

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