Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tuxedo After the Spay #41

Since her spay operation, Tuxedo has become a different cat. Her personality is full of energy and amusement and curiosity, much more than before. She even produced the ratty toy mouse from whatever depths she had hid it for me to play with her. She now likes to share.

She is so affectionate, it sometimes overwhelms me. She follows me everywhere, every room in the house. She sleeps directly under my part of the bed, so if I move an inch, she’s comes from under and waits for me to make a move. When she sleeps on the bed, she likes to be as close as possible to me. She never did that before her operation.

I want to get her a harness and leash so I can take her with me whenever I leave the house. I hate to leave her home alone. She is so sad, and tries to follow me out the house. She cries when she hears me in the hallway coming upstairs.

How close should a cat and human be? I’m home every day, and there is the potential for serious co-dependence. Is that wrong? She talks to me much more. I can tell the difference between her meows. One day she got caught behind some boxes and cried out for me. I knew immediately she was in trouble and moved a box so she could get out.

She loves sniffing whatever I have in my hand. Water, food, potato chips, it doesn’t matter. She wants to sniff it before I have it. Most of the time, she doesn’t like what she smells. I think she thinks it’s her job as the official food sniffer to protect her mommy.

She looks and acts so happy; it fills my heart with joy. People say it is because she was spayed. I think that is part of it. But I believe that clearing up her gum infection that I didn’t know she had is also a big chunk of her happiness. A healthy cat is a happy cat, and I know Tuxedo is very happy these days.

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