Thursday, July 5, 2012

Look Out, Feral Cats! #15

My Cousin Kim was on her front porch the other night, and saw two ladies with giant cages on our street. She called mom, then went down the street to the vacant lot to talk to them. Mom watched her from our front porch. Then she went back in the house and I followed. She put on some slippers, then left and closed the door behind her. She wouldn’t let me go with her. She seemed agitated.

When Mom returned, I heard her talking to Aunt Elaine on the phone. Apparently these women were from the Animal Rescue League. They had gotten a complaint from someone on the street that there were too many feral cats around. I guess cats without owners or homes are called “ferals.”

Mom said there were a lot of cats and kittens on the street. But that was all the time. She also wondered if the woman she saw before a few months ago was the same one who kidnapped Angel’s mom from next door. They said she wasn’t a feral cat because the entire neighborhood fed her, and let her in their homes. The lady next door had even let Angel’s mom have her kittens on her porch, and had given Angel to cousin Kellyn when she was 6 weeks old. Kim had even let her in the house so she could nurse Angel, her baby.

I remember that time. Everyone was sad, upset and angry that Chloe, that’s Angel’s mom, was abducted and taken away. The rumor was that the men on the street even saw it happen, yet did nothing but let the stranger take her. Mom said the next time they adopt a feral cat or kitten, they should put a collar on the ones they feed.

Anyway, these ladies said they would have the ones they caught spayed and neutered and given good homes. I have my suspicions about all of this. For one thing, those cats were keeping the mouse population down in the neighborhood. So why would people not want them around? Next, I heard the Animal Rescue League had more than enough cats that they had trouble even giving them away.

Well, they’re all gone now. I’m glad I have a home where I am loved, and not chased around and caged like a feral cat.

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