Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mom and I on the Back Porch #11

Today was a nice day, and my mom Carolyn let me go on the back porch. She does it every day she makes coffee and sits at the kitchen table. I love watching the big fat squirrels run up and down the really tall tree in back of our house. I also like seeing the birds fly around, especially since the weather has become warm.

She doesn’t’ like to open the door when it’s cold outside. But sometimes I cry so loud she lets me go. When it’s raining, I sit in the threshold of the door and look outside. I have to keep watch because mom will leave the kitchen after she has her coffee and toast. I have to see where she went, which is usually the bedroom. I have to make sure she doesn’t leave the house while I am outside. But I don’t really worry because she always closes the doors before she leaves.

One day mom was on the porch with me. She brought out a kitchen chair and smelled the air, which she shouldn’t because she has hay fever. We looked out into our back yard, and listened to neighbors on their back porches.

Soon I heard her move the chair and leave the porch. Why? She saw I was downstairs on the first floor hallway being nosy. She called my name and I ran back upstairs. She closed both doors and left the kitchen. Since then she doesn’t always bring out the chair to sit down. I try to be a good cat and stay with her when she’s on the porch now.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

I Take Charge #10

This morning I made a big fuss so my mom Carolyn would get up. I ran up and down on her sleeping body. Finally I put my paw in her face and meowed so loud she jumped up and acted like a burglar was in the house. She needed to get up. This wasn’t the only time I have had to force her to wake up. I want her to wake up whenever I think she should get up, every day, upon request.

Mind you, she makes sure I have plenty of food, a clean litter box, and enough food to get me through the day. I have no physical needs other than the medicine she gives me for my inflamed gums. What I really want is for her to play with me, or open the back door so I can go outside on the porch. Usually once she wakes up, I will lay calmly down next to her. I like being in her company.

Mom keeps saying I act like a toddler. So what? I don’t want to be the only one awake in the house, so I wake her up. I don’t have anyone else to play with, so I will bring her a toy so she can play toss with me. It’s a perfect life.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Medicine 2012 #9

I feel like I just ate a sponge. My mom Carolyn has been putting my medicine in my wet food to deal with my infected gums. I have to say my food tastes better, and I have been feeling better.

There is one problem, the side effects. The prednisone makes me really hungry and thirsty. It makes me puff out like a giant blow fish. So now I’m walking around the house with my stomach almost touching the ground. I don’t walk so much as waddle around the house.

I heard mom Carolyn say that I only have a few more days left to take the medicine. Then I intend to go on a diet!

I Eat Grass! 2012 #8

My Mom Carolyn put some grass seeds in a white bowl a few days ago. She put it on a shelf too high in our bedroom for me to jump on.  Every few days she watered the bowl. At night I tried to see if I could jump on the shelf to get to the bowl. I could smell something good up there. Whenever my owner caught me stretching myself on the bookcase, I would jump down and run under the bed.

She kept watering the plant until yesterday. She brought it down on the floor. It was grass! I love grass! I jumped at the chance to eat it. It’s delicious! It’s a mix of barley, wheat and some grass. It smelled good and I ate some of it. But she took it when I walked away for a few minutes. She said something about it needed to grow some more. I yelled at her until she put it back on the floor. Yummy!